Friday, March 1, 2013

Congratulations to graduate students Robert Jonsson and David Qian, chosen to represent the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Waterloo Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) final competition.

Robert's thesis "Relativistic quantum information" is supervised by Professor Achim Kempf in the Department of Applied Mathematics. David's thesis "Mathematical optimization and skull surgery" is supervised by Professor Ricardo Fukasawa in the Department of Combinatorics & Optimization

14 graduate students competed in the 3MT Faculty of Mathematics heat, presenting their research in under three minutes with just one static slide. Their presentations covered a wide range of topics:
- Ali Abedi (Computer Science) - Why is my wi-fi so slow?
- Aidan Chatwin-Davies (Applied Mathematics) - From the smallest length to the cosmos.
- Amenda Chow (Applied Mathematics) - Control of hysteresis in a magnetic object.
- Michael Cormier (Computer Science) - Computer vision techniques for 3-D reconstruction of galaxies.
- Carol Fung (Computer Science) - Design and management of collaborative intrusion detection networks.
- Robert Jonsson (Applied Mathematics) - Relativistic quantum information.
- Shehroz Khan (Computer Science) - Learning to identify unusual events from mobile sensor data.
- Keenan Lyon (Applied Mathematics) - Graphene: A new material for biosensing.
- Mikhail Panine (Applied Mathematics) - Inverse spectral geometry: hearing shapes.
- David Qian (Combinatorics & Optimization) - Mathematical optimization and skull surgery.
- Daniel Rasmussen (Computer Science) - Modelling adaptive behaviour via hierarchical reinforcement learning.
- Collin Roberts (Pure Mathematics) - The cohomology ring of a finite abelian group.
- Basil Singer (Statistics & Actuarial Science) - Insurance surplus modelling.
- Xianglilan Zhang (Computer Science) - Merge-weighted dynamic time warping: love at first talk.