Jerry Xue


Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)

Winter 2017 - Computer Science, Honours Co-op (3B)

view on Chinese University of Hong Kong campus

I was luckily placed in the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), one of the top universities in Hong Kong for Computer Science. Although Hong Kong is known for its loud and busy city lifestyle, CUHK is built in the northern parts of Hong Kong, which gave the campus scenic views from every angle.

Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is huge, we must take a campus bus to get to our classes because that is just how big our campus is. They have everything on campus too, from supermarkets to outdoor pool to Hong Kong street food.

In Hong Kong, the academic work load is so much lighter than in Canada. So, I used most of my spare time clubbing or traveling. I also had the opportunity to teach English in China.

students I taught English

The nightlife in Hong Kong is incomparable to Canada. It is a great opportunity to meet new people from different countries and you will definitely have a great time!

First night out in LKF
first night out in LKF

I was also able to travel to 6 different countries during my exchange. (Vietnam, Japan, South Korea, China(Shanghai), Thailand and Taiwan).

Me in Vietnam, Sapa
me in Vietnam, Sapa

Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and experience different cultures in Asia!