Wednesday, February 15, 2023
(all day)

Palitronica and the Cybersecurity and Privacy Institute (CPI) are pleased to present this call for applications for UWaterloo Graduate and Undergraduate students to participate in an event that focuses on raising awareness of the threats and implications that ‘rubber ducky’ technology presents to the world around us.
Student teams of 2-3 people will be able to compete for prize money of $500 per person in a two-phase process that will involve:
- presenting an initial plan that details how your team will engage with the technology in order to achieve the stated goals of raising awareness for rubber ducky technology and demonstrating its capabilities
- 5 teams will be selected to continue to phase two, where they will be provided resources and lab space wherein they have 2 months to build their project and present it in a final event
For more information click here!