Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence
Event Info
According to the 2018, Student Voices on Sexual Violence Campus Climate Survey, more than 50% of students reported experiencing sexual harassment, and 1 in 5 students reported experiencing stalking and/or experiencing sexual acts without consent. Furthermore, only 1 in 5 students knew how to access supports and services for sexual violence.
Many students within the Faculty of Engineering experience harassment from classmates on a regular basis, impacting their learning and sense of personal safety. Students often bring concerns forward to, or confide in, instructors and other student facing roles. How we respond when someone discloses a traumatic event has a direct impact on the trajectory of recovery. We know that victims who receive a supportive response when they first disclose are more likely to continue to seek help and resources.
In this interactive workshop, attendees will develop tools, strategies, and resources to respond effectively to disclosures of sexual violence. While primarily focused on responding to student disclosures, the skills learned in this training are transferable to responding to disclosures made by co-workers and family members.
Please note: skills learned are also appropriate for supporting co-workers and family members who disclose.
Date: Thursday, March 7th, 2024, 2:00 - 4:00pm
Location: Location will be emailed 48 hours prior to the session.
Other: Snacks will be provided. Feel free to bring your refillable water bottle, coffee, tea, etc.
Special notes:
- Total time: 2.5 hours in-person
- The Sexual Violence Foundations LEARN module takes approx 1 hour. Participants are encouraged to engage with these micro modules at their own pace.
- Maximum of 25 participants
- Session will be offered again in Winter term.
Registration is required. For more information, please contact the Faculty of Engineering Community Wellness Team. While the sessions were organized by the Faculty of Engineering, any University of Waterloo employee is welcome to attend.

Amanda Cook, MSW, RSW
Director, Sexual Violence Prevention and Response
Amanda Cook (she/her) is the Director, Sexual Violence Prevention & Response. Engaging the campus in meaningful conversations about this subject matter, and encouraging collaboration in prevention efforts, is what motivates Amanda in this work. Amanda provides strategic leadership and works with the entire University community to effect change with regard to sexual violence through policies, programs, and practice. Amanda also provides confidential support to anyone who has experiences, or been impacted by, sexual violence and engages in campus-wide education.

Meaghan Ross, BSW, BA, MA
Sexual Violence Response Coordinator
Meaghan Ross (she/her) is the Sexual Violence Response Coordinator; a role through which she supports those impacted by sexual violence to access resources, and to make decisions for themselves about available options. Meaghan also provides campus-wide education on best practices for receiving disclosures, unpacking gendered violence, and creating a consent culture. Working on a post-secondary campus provides Meaghan with a unique opportunity to be apart of, and motivated by, ongoing transformative, collective learning.