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Join us on Saturday, June 4, 2022! Alumni Weekend is a special time for all University of Waterloo alumni to reconnect, reminisce and revisit campus.
The University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University are proud that we have crossed another milestone in the history of the Double Degree program. In 2021, we celebrated 20 fabulous years!
Join us in person on Saturday, June 4 for a celebratory reception. See fellow classmates, current students and program faculty members.
Door Prizes! Complimentary Refreshments! Cash Bar!
Session Description:
In May, the University of Waterloo welcomed over 30 Ukrainian students to our campus, whose education had been disrupted by the war in Ukraine.
The Ukrainian Photo Exhibit was created by these students to raise awareness and highlight the impact that the war in Ukraine is having on academics and civilians.
The Faculty of Mathematics is pleased to host a special guest lecture by Dr. Edward Doolittle, an expert in the Indigenization of Mathematics. He will be sharing his expertise during a lecture on November 9, 2022, from 2 to 3 p.m. in DC 1302.
To attend this event, please register