New York City Math Alumni 50th Celebration

You’re invited to catch up with your classmates from Waterloo Math and Engineering, hear what’s new on campus, and meet local students working in the area. Let’s celebrate Canada’s 150th and UWaterloo’s 60th birthday together!
Join fellow alumni, and Stephen M. Watt, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, in Montreal for an inspiring alumni event. Celebrating the Female Tech Trailblazer will feature short, ted-style talks highlighting speakers’ incredible contributions to technology and the work being done to remove the barriers for young women considering a career in tech.
Take a break from midterms/studying/finals and destress with the Math Undergraduate Office (MUO) and MathSoc!
What? Food and entertainment.
When? Friday, March 15 2019 from 5.30 p.m. to 9.00 pm. Food begins at 5:30 p.m. Trivia and open mic begin at 6 p.m.
Where? MC 2065 and 2066.
Party with Profs event is on again: Monday, April 1st from 6-9pm at Fed Hall.
It’s a great opportunity for you to further connect with your undergraduate students and maybe meet some new ones! MathSoc will be providing complimentary food and drinks.
Date: Monday, May 27th
Time: 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Location: Bianca Room – MSC 226 (MacEwan Student Centre)
Hear from upper year students and first year instructors!
Female undergrad and grad students are invited with fellow students and professors.
Complimentary snacks will be provided. We welcome math students who identify as women, or who are non-binary.