Students show off entrepreneurial skills at Enterprise Co-op presentations

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Patrick Hannigan (4A Computer Science (CS)), William Zhou (3B CS), Edward Yang (4A CS) and Daniel Yaroslavski (4B CS), were given the opportunity to showcase their learnings in front of peers and faculty along with a brief pitch of their ventures today at an Enterprise Co-op (E-Co-op) presentation session.

Students enrolled in the E Co-op program enter a work term with a entrepreneurial idea as well as the drive to turn it into a business. Over their co-op term, students receive ongoing mentoring and feedback on the development of their business while actively being part of an entrepreneurial ecosystem that supports and propels students to succeed.

Patrick Hannigan
Hannigan's venture TicketLabs Inc. is an e-ticketing platform purpose-built for medium sized concert organizers. The company has launched with a very positive uptake, working with local event organizers XL Lifestyle and Cruel Waterloo.

William ZhouHaving completed two E Co-op terms, Zhou and his venture Vetica, are aiming to change the way education and technology interact. Creating products that focus on ease of use, scalability, and collaboration for educators, Vetica already has close to $80,000 in bookings.

Edward Yang and Kevin He
Yang and co-founder Kevin He, are looking to make that sea of email easier to wade through buy consolidating and simplifying mobile mail, without being intrusive. Their software, Tessoll plans to integrate the working knowledge about a person's important email and become a personal assistant giving updates and information on the fly. 

Daniel Yaroslavski
Yaroslavski's LightBot solidified while completing an E Co-op term in Melbourne, Australia. With over 170,000 downloads from the App Store, 18,000 of which are paid users, this game that teaches kids how to program has had a successful launch and has the potential to change the perceptions surrounding programming. 

These are just a few examples of the students and ventures that have completed the E Co-op program. The Conrad Centre for Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology, has undergraduate programs that provide great experiences which allow students to build business knowledge, capabilities and independence that employers will value.