Personalizing math tests during COVID-19

Friday, August 14, 2020

The start of the Spring Term, at the height of COVID, had instructors moving their courses to a remote format with students spread across time zones. It changed delivery, assignments and testing as in the case of Anton Mosunov, an award-winning lecturer in the Faculty of Mathematics who altered the MATH 135 midterm to an oral exam.

Anton Mosunov
“In MATH 135, students are learning how to prove things; they’re learning to think. It’s a particular thought process that we’re trying to establish here,” Mosunov notes. “That’s why I thought the oral exam would actually be a good idea because they would show me how they can think and express their thoughts and show me their argumentation.”

Learn more about how Mosunov is adopting new online, face-to-face testing methods to gauge student learning.