Yujie Zhong wins Murray Martin Prize

The Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing has added four new computer science courses to the suite of online courseware:
The Big E and Special K contests were held on Saturday November 7th. These are mathematics contests for undergraduate University of Waterloo students.
The Special K contest is for 1st year students and the Big E contest is for upper year students.
Both contests consist of 6 problems, and complete written solutions are required.
This year, 35 students participated.
Adapted from the University of Waterloo Daily Bulletin
At 2:30 this afternoon, 180 students from Environment and 575 students from Mathematics will receive their degrees. Students in the Software Engineering program will graduate with the Faculty of Mathematics.
Congratulations go to the following top-performing students.
1st year students: Chun Ho Lau and Anqi (Joyce) Yang
This is a repeat presentation of the Crowdmark grading session.
The Faculty of Mathematics has contracted with Crowdmark Inc. to provide campus-wide on-line midterm/exam marking and results distribution starting Fall 2015 for all course instructors who are interested.
Students write exam papers with Crowdmark-generated QR codes on each page. Exams are later scanned and uploaded to Crowdmark for marking.
Professor Eric Katz of the University of Waterloo and his colleagues Karim Adiprasito (Max Planck Society and Hebrew University) and June Huh(Clay Mathematical Institute and Princeton University) have proved Rota's 45-year old conjecture on the log concavity of the characteristic polynomial of matroids.
The Faculty of Mathematics has contracted with Crowdmark Inc. to provide campus-wide on-line midterm/exam marking and results distribution starting Fall 2015 for all course instructors who are interested.
Students write exam papers with Crowdmark-generated QR codes on each page. Exams are later scanned and uploaded to Crowdmark for marking.
Photo courtesy of Crowdmark, Inc.
Benefits include: