Understanding circadian rhythms
Researchers are using mathematical models to better understand the effects of disruptions like daylight savings time, working night shifts, jet lag or even late-night phone scrolling on the body’s circadian rhythms.
Researchers are using mathematical models to better understand the effects of disruptions like daylight savings time, working night shifts, jet lag or even late-night phone scrolling on the body’s circadian rhythms.
Professor Jimmy Lin has been named a 2022 ACM Fellow for his contributions to question answering, information retrieval, and natural language processing.
Today, the University of Waterloo announced a 5G and beyond mobile network technology consortium to develop secure 5G mobile networks and improve Canada’s security and defence. The group is funded by the Department of National Defence (DND) through its Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security (IDEaS) program. A team of computer scientists at Waterloo is leading the $1.5 million multi-partner consortium.
In developing countries, people with substance-abuse issues can sometimes face shame and find it difficult to get help.
Now, a research team is using machine learning and anonymized data to get a clearer picture of the underlying factors that influence tendencies to abuse drugs and alcohol.
The Layton Lab is producing videos to communicate research impact to a broad, non-academic audience.
The Lab is directed by Anita Layton, Canada 150 Research Chair in Mathematical Biology and Medicine, professor of applied mathematics, computer science, pharmacy, and biology, and the Faculty of Mathematics’ associate dean for research and international.
L to R: Daniel Vogel and Jian Zhao.
Daniel Vogel, an associate professor and Cheriton Faculty Fellow in the School of Computer Science, and Jian Zhao, an assistant professor in the Cheriton School of Computer Science, were named among a select group of researchers in a recent funding announcement from Reality Labs Research.
The drug, called metformin, has traditionally been prescribed for diabetes but has been used in clinical settings as a cancer treatment in recent years.
Researchers from the Cheriton School of Computer Science are working on new systems that increase the correctness and reliability of health-related searches.
Researchers in applied mathematics are part of a team developing technologies that use acoustic waves to target and destroy cancerous tumours.
While doctors have used low-intensity ultrasound as a medical imaging tool since the 1950s, experts at the University of Waterloo are using and extending models that help capture how high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) can work on a cellular level.
Research conducted by recent computer science master’s graduate Reza Nadri, recent postdoctoral researcher Gema Rodríguez-Pérez and their supervisor Cheriton School of Computer Science Professor Mei Nagappan found that the perceived race and ethnicity of a developer — based on just their user name — can affect how the developer’s contributions to open source software projects are evaluated.