Department of Chemistry
200 University Ave. W
Waterloo, Ontario,
Canada N2L 3G1
The November 2019 cover: Carey Bissonnette
A tribute to Dr, Carey Bissonnette by Bill Power
The agony and the ecstasy*: Avogadro and Chem 13 News Exams
Tough questions series - 2006 CHEM 13 NEWS Exam
Tough questions series - 2007 CHEM 13 NEWS Exam
Tough questions series - 2008 CHEM 13 NEWS Exam
Tough questions series - 2009 CHEM 13 NEWS Exam
Tough questions series - 2010 CHEM 13 NEWS Exam
Tough questions series - 2011 CHEM 13 NEWS Exam
Tough questions series - 2012 CHEM 13 NEWS Exam
Tough questions series - 2013 CHEM 13 NEWS Exam
Tough questions series - 2014 CHEM 13 NEWS Exam
2019 Canadian chemistry teacher of the year: François Raymond
The creation of the periodic table by James Marshall
The Bastard Brigade: November's book review
Hidden elements puzzle
Tributes to Carey
We have started working on the September issue! While you are off this summer, consider contributing and sharing your ideas with Chem 13 News readers! Start by just taking photos from your classroom to be on our front cover.
Ironing out smelting technology
My approach to laboratory work — and everything else
Advice for veteran teachers: how to best guide new teachers
Hidden chemical puzzle
Come for the chemistry, stay for the fun!
Chemistry of the cure: Case studies of some Inuit remedies
A chemical garden
The discovery of the elements: Humphry Davy and the voltaic pile
Timeline of Elements poster
The power of empirical evidence
Fluorescing chlorophyll for St. Patrick’s Day
Adjusting study techniques
How to fill a Pringles® box with hydrogen
The Poison Squad
The Ulu: Chemistry and Inuit women’s culture
Understanding heat flow from a coffee cup
Significant features clusters
Elemental compounds puzzle
The discovery of the elements: The miners
Coming soon...
Coming soon
Make me an offer…
Growing a chemistree and a competition
CCC: 2019 exam and 2018 winners
Communicative and therapeutic benefits of stamping
Intriguing Morsels from the Science of Everyday Life
Moving out and far far away
ChemEd Reg Friesen Lecturer
Reflectance spectroscopy of a sugar cookie baking
Famous scientists puzzle
Christmas carols
Aladdin’s lamp
Introducing paper chromatography
The egg experiment
A simple electronegativity demonstration device
Using chemistry to clean a teapot
Remembering great chemistry teachers
2019 International Year of the Periodic Table update
Current issue November 2018
Issues 2012-October 2018 below
We need to think like economists
Keeping an eye on puddle chemistry
I want to be a doctor
Book review: The Radium Girls
Consider presenting at ChemEd!
Chemical anagrams
Celebrating the decade of the 80s
Famous visitors
Chemical stream puzzle
What’s this?
Invert without a mess
Moles on the shelf
The US penny revealed
PFOS: The newest Artic Pollutant
STAO/APSO Conference
Timeline of elements update
Mendeleev mosaic
October issue in process
Polymer fun
The good fight
Once in a Blue Moon
One pearl of wisdom
Chemistry nomenclature puzzle
What are you doing for Mole Day?
Intermolecular forces and phases of matter
Make Plans for ChemEd 2019!
Lab safety — a puzzle
Claude Émile Jean-Baptiste Litre
Partial pencil pressure
Book review: Chemistry in Your Kitchen
Soy Sauce — An essential Inuit condiment
The (real) reason why chemists need mathematics
Molympics 2018
Rationale for “POPcasso”
The launch of Chem 13 News online publication
Elemental percentages puzzle
My take on significant digits
Sig dig in undergrad labs (Part 1)
New freely-available interactive high school chemistry lessons
The toothpaste challenge
50 years ago we started something special
Celebrating 1968-78 decade
Ramah Bay
7,000 years of Aboriginal culture — and chemistry
Nomenclature nonsense puzzle
2018 Chem 13 News and Avogadro exam winners
Canadian Crystal Growing Competition
2018 Canadian chemistry teacher of the year: Jailson Lima
Cover: ‘Whoosh Bottle’
Letter to the editor
It's cold outside…your comfort zone
Flipping the chemistry classroom series: part 4 (the classroom)
Chemical in the news: Osmium tetroxide
Why educational research matters to you: Parachutes, particles, bonding and “good enough” models
Mole art
Sharing Chemistry with the Community: ‘Elephant’s toothpaste’
Book review: Stuff Matters
Test description.
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