Access Fees

Facility access fees

The Quantum-Nano Fabrication and Characterization Facility (QNFCF) operates on a Core Research Facility model where our members can access shared equipment and are invoiced lab fees to partially defray the lab's cost of operations.  The following fees are charged for accessing the QNFCF.

  1. Onboarding fee:  New registrants wishing to access the QNC cleanroom will be charged a one time registration fee of $200.
  2. Equipment use fees:  Equipment use (as measured by NEMO enable time) generates an equipment use fee as outlined in the table below.
  3. Per-enable fee:  A "per-enable" fee of $1.84 for academic member ($5.52 for industrial members) is levied at every new tool enable in NEMO.  This is intended to defray the cost of consumables such as gloves, cleanroom suits and cleanroom wipes.
  4. Training fees:  All training in the QNFCF is staff led and generates a surcharge above the normal equipment use fee.  This surcharge is $25/hour for academic members and $75/hour for industrial members.  This fee is intended to partially defray the cost of staff labour.
  5. Staff support fees:  When a QNFCF staff member is performing work on behalf of a researcher this generates a surcharge above the normal equipment use fee.  This surcharge is $50/hour for academic members and $150/hour for industrial members.  This fee is intended to completely defray the cost of staff labour.
  6. Inventory fees:  The QNFCF maintains a stock of commonly used items and other material that are not economically feasible for individual members to purchase from suppliers themselves.  A partial list of these items is below with prices listed in NEMO.  Prices change regularly with inflation and exchange rate variations.  The QNFCF endeavours to provide these items to all members on a cost neutral basis.

Equipment use fees table

Location  Tool Type NEMO Tool Name

Academic Rate

Industrial Rate

QNC cleanroom Lithography - Jeol 100kV E-beam Litho JEOL-EBL  $120  $360
QNC cleanroom Lithography - Raith 150TWO 30kV E-beam Litho RAITH-EBL  $60  $180
QNC cleanroom Lithography - Suss MA6 front/back UV aligner SUSS-align  $35  $105
QNC cleanroom Lithography - Suss SB6 GEN2  wafer bonder SUSS-bond  $35  $105
QNC cleanroom Lithography - Heidelberg front/back maskless UV HEIDELBERG-MLA  $40  $120
QNC cleanroom Lithography - HMDS oven YES-HMDS  $25  $75
QNC cleanroom Lithography - UV semi-auto spin/bake BREWER-UVspinbake  $30  $90
QNC cleanroom Lithography - E-beam semi-auto spin/bake BREWER-Ebeamspinbake  $35  $105
QNC cleanroom Lithography - PR spin/bake station REYNOLDSTECH-twincoater  $25  $75
QNC cleanroom Lithography - atmospheric oven FISHER-oven  $15  $45
QNC cleanroom Deposition - E-beam evaporator ANGSTROM-Ebeam  $35  $105
QNC cleanroom Deposition - E-beam evaporator INTLVAC-Ebeam  $35  $105
QNC cleanroom Deposition - Thermal evaporator for Au/Be films ANGSTROM-thermal  $35  $105
QNC cleanroom Deposition - ALD & PECVD cluster tool OXFORD-cluster  $50  $150
QNC cleanroom Deposition - PVD for Nb superconducting films PLASSYS-sputter  $40  $120
QNC cleanroom Deposition - PVD for Al superconducting films PLASSYS-Ebeam  $40  $120
QNC cleanroom Deposition - oxidation/anneal furnace TYSTAR1-atm  $40  $120
QNC cleanroom Deposition - LPCVD Nitride furnace TYSTAR2-nitride  $45  $135
QNC cleanroom Deposition - LPCVD Poly Si furnace TYSTAR3-PolySiC  $45  $135
QNC cleanroom Deposition - LPCVD LTO furnace TYSTAR4-LTO  $45  $135
QNC cleanroom Deposition - Twin chamber sputter AJA-sputter  $40  $120
QNC cleanroom Deposition - atmospheric RTA/RTP ALLWIN-RTP  $40  $120
QNC cleanroom Deposition - atmospheric RTA/RTP ALLWIN-RTP2  $40  $120
QNC cleanroom Etch - ICPRIE Cl chemistries OXFORD-metalRIE  $45  $135
QNC cleanroom Etch - ICPRIE F chemistries for deep Si etch OXFORD-SiRIE  $45  $135
QNC cleanroom Etch - Oxygen plasma asher YES-ash  $25  $75
QNC cleanroom Etch - Ion mill with SIMS endpoint detection AJA-ionmill  $45  $135
QNC cleanroom Characterization - reflectometer FILMETRICS-F40  $10  $30
QNC cleanroom Characterization - reflectometer -auto FILMETRICS-F50  $10  $30
QNC cleanroom Characterization - semiconductor microscope OLYMPUS-scope1  $20  $60
QNC cleanroom Characterization - semiconductor microscope OLYMPUS-scope2  $20  $60
QNC cleanroom Characterization - stylus profilometer VEECO-profilometer  $20  $60
QNC cleanroom Characterization - stylus profilometer BRUKER-profilometer  $20  $60
QNC cleanroom Characterization - 4-point probe Rs mapper CDE-4pp  $20  $60
QNC cleanroom Characterization - film stress measurement tool TOHO-stress  $30  $90
QNC cleanroom Characterization - thin film ellipsometer WOOLLAM-ellip  $40  $120
QNC cleanroom Characterization - electrical probe station SUSS-probe  $15  $45
QNC cleanroom Characterization - electrical probe station EVERBEING-probe  $15  $45
QNC cleanroom Characterization - SEM sample coater LEICA-coater  $40  $120
QNC cleanroom Characterization - scanning electron microscope JEOL-SEM  $45  $135
QNC cleanroom Characterization - atomic force microscope BRUKER-AFM  $40  $120
QNC cleanroom Other - critical point dryer TOUSIMIS-CPD  $30  $90
QNC cleanroom Wetbenches - for acids & bases (non HF) ACIDBASEnonHF  $25  $75
QNC cleanroom Wetbenches - for HF acid solutions HFACID  $25  $75
QNC cleanroom Wetbenches - solvents only SOLVENT1  $25  $75
QNC cleanroom Wetbenches - solvents only SOLVENT2  $25  $75
QNC cleanroom Wetbenches - for RCA clean solutions RCACLEAN  $25  $75
QNC cleanroom Wetbenches - for KOH based bulk Si etch REYNOLDSTECH-bulkSi  $12  $36
QNC cleanroom Wetbenches - for Piranha organic cleans PIRANHA  $25  $75
QNC cleanroom Wetbenches - for UV develop processes DEVELOPUV  $25  $75
QNC cleanroom Wetbenches - EBL develop processes DEVELOPEBL  $25  $75
QNC 1706 Packaging Lab - LWD opt microscope OLYMPUS-scope3  $15  $45
QNC 1706 Packaging Lab - Dicing saw DISCO-saw  $40  $120
QNC 1706 Packaging Lab - wirebond pull tester WESTBOND-pulltest  $10  $30
QNC 1706 Packaging Lab - Manual wirebond WESTBOND-wirebond1  $40  $120
QNC 1706 Packaging Lab - Semi-auto wirebond WESTBOND-wirebond2  $40  $120
QNC 1706 Packaging Lab - Flip chip die bonder TRESKY-diebond  $20  $60
QNC 1706 Packaging Lab - epoxy dispenser robot NORDSON-epoxy  $15  $45
QNC 1706 Packaging Lab - H2 plasma cleaner LFC-plasmaclean  $30  $90
QNC 1706 Packaging Lab - epoxy cure oven Cureoven  $15  $45
QNC 1706 Packaging Lab -Ultron wafer cleaner    no charge   no charge 
QNC 1508 Sample Prep Lab - Cont. ang. goniometer RAMEHART-contactangle  $15  $45
QNC 1508 Sample Prep Lab - diamond scribe tool OEG-scriber  $30  $90
QNC 1508 Sample Prep Lab - Solvents hood FUMEHOOD-north  $10  $20
QNC 1508 Sample Prep Lab - Acids/Bases hood FUMEHOOD-south  $10  $20
QNC B614 SW Lab - Beamer EBL software BEAMER  no charge   TBD 
QNC B614 SW Lab - Layout Editor SW LayoutEditor  no charge   TBD 
QNC B614 SW Lab - Ellipsometery SW CompleteEASE  no charge   TBD 
QNC B614 SW Lab - Raith GDSII editor RAITH-GDS  no charge   TBD 
QNC B709 QNC Metrology - JEOL F200 S/TEM w. EELS JEOL-TEM  $75  $225
QNC B711 QNC Metrology - Zeiss Auriga SEM-FIB ZEISS-SEMFIB  $100  $300
QNC B703 QNC TEM Sample Prep - Polisher ALLIED-polish  $20  $60
QNC B703 QNC TEM Sample Prep - Microscope ZEISS-scope  $20  $60
QNC B703 QNC TEM Sample Prep - Multi-tool LEICA-EMTXP  $20  $60
QNC B703 QNC TEM Sample Prep - Dimpler SOUTHBAY-dimpler  $20  $60
QNC B703 QNC TEM Sample Prep - Saw SOUTHBAY-saw  $20  $60
QNC B703 QNC TEM Sample Prep - Ion mill LEICA-ionmill  $20  $60
QNC B703 QNC TEM Sample Prep - Disc cutter GATAN-cutter  $20  $60
QNC B703 QNC TEM Sample Prep - Polisher SOUTHBAY-polish  $10  $30
QNC B706 Thin film ellipsometer WOOLLAM-ellip2  $40  $120
RAC1 1013 Crystal cutter (disc) ALLIED-xtal-cut-R1  $20  $60
RAC1 1013 Wire cutter WIRETEC-wire-saw-R1  $20  $20
RAC1 1013 Lapper Lapper-R1  $20  $60
RAC1 1013 Leitz microscope LEITZ-scope-R1  $20  $60
RAC1 1013 Evovision stereo microscope EVOVISION-scope-R1  $20  $60
RAC1 1013 PlasmaEtch reactive ion etcher PLASMAETCH-plasmaclean-R1  $15  $45
RAC1 1013 Manual wirebond WESTBOND-wirebond-R1  $40  $120
RAC1 1013 Rofin welder ROFIN-welder-R1  $25  $75
RAC1 1013 Wetbench for HF acid solutions WB-HFACID-R1  $25  $75
RAC1 1013 Wetbench - for acids & bases (non HF) WB-ACIDBASEnonHF-R1  $25  $75
RAC1 1013 Wetbench - for solvents only WB-SOLVENT-R1  $15  $45
RAC1 1013 TestEquity thermal chamber TESTEQUITY-Tchamber-R1  $2  $6
RAC1 1013 Assembly station 1 AssemblyStation1-R1  $1  $3
RAC1 1013 Assembly station 2 AssemblyStation2-R1  $1  $3
RAC1 2003 Mitutoyo microscope MITUTOYO-scope-R1 $20  $60
RAC1 2003 BRUKER optical profilometer BRUKER-contour-R1  $20  $60
RAC1 2003 Gloveboxed thermal evaporator Inert-AngstromEvap-R1  $35  $105
RAC1 2003 Gloveboxed SEM with NPGS Inert-Jeol-EBSEM-R1  $40  $120
RAC1 2003 Gloveboxed 2D assembly microscope Inert-Olympus-2DAScope-R1  $20  $60
RAC1 2003 Gloveboxed Reactive Ion Etch Inert-PLASMAETCH-RIE-R1  $20  $60
RAC1 2003 Gloveboxed chem processing w/ spin coat Inert-PrepFab-Station-R1  $30  $90
RAC1 2003 Gloveboxed Atomic Force Microscopy Inert-VEECO-AFM-R1  $35  $105
RAC1 2003 Inert lab solvents fumehood Inert-WB-Solvents-R1  $15  $45
RAC1 2003 Inert lab acid/Base fumehood Inert-WB-Acidbase-R1  $15  $45
RAC2 2021 UHV Sputter and E-beam deposition AJA-Sputter-EBeam-R2  $40  $120
RAC2 2021 LPCVD carbon nanotubes ANGSTROM-LPCVD-R2  $40  $120
RAC2 2021 LPCVD Silicon nanowires 1stNANO-SiNW-R2  $45  $135
RAC2 2031 Pulsed Laser Deposition system TSST-PLD-R2  $40  $120
RAC1 1013 Automated Glass Processing Station VYTRAN-splicer-R2  $20  $60
RAC2 2112 X-ray diffraction D8-VENTURE-XRD-R2  $40  $120
RAC2 1124 Cryogenic Scanning Tunneling Microscope OMICRON-LT-SPM-R2  $50  $150

Inventory items (fees listed in NEMO)

  • AFM probes:
    • ScanAsyst-Air
  • Containers:
    • 125 x 65 mm PYREX crystallisation dish
    • 1" wafer holder
    • 2" wafer holder
    • 3" wafer holder
    • 4" wafer holder
    • 4" wafer holder (black polypropylene)
    • 6" wafer holder
    • 400ml pyrex beakers
    • Acid kit
    • Additional cleanroom notebook
    • Beaker box
    • Beaker kit
    • 1" x 1" Gel-box (black conductive)
    • 100 mm glass petri dish
    • large polystyrene petri dish
    • small polystyrene petri dish
    • small polystyrene petri dish - sectioned
    • Nalgene bottle (250 ml)
    • Nalgene bottle (500 ml)
    • Nalgene bottle (1 L)
    • Nalgene bottle (2 L)
    • 10 ml glass photoresist syringe
    • Tweezer box
    • PTFE chip carrier (for chemical processing)
  • Lapping supplies
    • Diamond lapping films
    • Red cloth disk
  • Evaporation and sputter precious metals
    • Ag pellets
    • Au pellets
    • Pd pellets
    • Pt pellets
    • Au sputter target (sold by deposition time)
    • Pt sputter target (sold by deposition time)
  • Metrology supplies
    • Compact TEM grid box
    • Reverse tweezers (fine)
    • Sample membrane box
    • TEM grids
  • Resist
    • ZEP520A Electron beam resist
  • Service charge
    • Shipping and handling of samples
  • Cleanroom tools
    • 2A PEEK replacement tweezer tips
    • PEEK rounded tip tweezers
    • 4" wafer tweezers (ESD safe)
    • 4" wafer tweezer replacement tips
  • Wafers
    • 3" prime CZ <100> Silicon
    • 4" prime CZ <100> Silicon
    • 6" prime CZ <100> Silicon
    • 100mm borofloat 33 glass DSP wafer